(國網(wǎng)山東省電力公司濰坊供電公司,山東 濰坊 261000)
摘 要:隨著用電設備精密性的不斷提高,電壓暫降對用戶正常用電的影響越來越顯著,傳統(tǒng)供電可靠性評估方法的不足之處也逐漸顯現(xiàn)。通過構造用戶廣義耐受曲線,并將電壓暫降能量損失函數(shù)及等效停電時間相結合,提出一種供電可靠性的綜合評估方法。對整個評估流程進行了闡述,并進行了仿真分析,結果表明,該方法能夠較為合理地將電壓暫降的影響納入可靠性分析,有利于對供電可靠性作出更為完善的評估。
中圖分類號:TM711 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2021)01-0024-06
Comprehensive Evaluation Method of Power Supply Reliability Under
Voltage Sag Based on User's Generalized Withstand Curve
(State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company Weifang Power Supply Company, Weifang 261000, China)
Abstract: With the continuous improvement of the precision of electrical equipment, the impact of voltage sag on the normal power consumptionof users become more and more significant, and the shortcomings of traditional power supply reliability evaluation methods aregradually emerged. In this paper, a comprehensive evaluation method of power supply reliability is proposed, it constructing the users generalizedwithstand curve and combining the energy loss function with the equivalent outage time of voltage sag. The evaluation process wasexplained, and simulation analysis was carried out. And the simulation results show that this method can reasonably bring the influence ofvoltage sag into the reliability analysis, which is conducive to a more perfect evaluation of power supply reliability.
Key words: power supply reliability; comprehensive evaluation; withstand curve; outage time; correction index
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