一起短路沖擊引起110 kV變壓器故障的診斷及處理
(國網(wǎng)四川省電力公司成都供電公司,四川 成都 610000)
摘 要:變壓器的安全穩(wěn)定運行是電網(wǎng)可靠供電的重要保證。對一起突發(fā)短路引發(fā)的 110 kV 變壓器損壞的事故進行診斷試驗和分析,判斷出了主變存在低壓側(cè) a 相線圈部分斷股,對地短路的故障,通過返廠解體印證了診斷結(jié)果,并給出了應對措施,為類似變壓器經(jīng)短路沖擊后的診斷提供了參考經(jīng)驗。
中圖分類號:TM407 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2021)12-0040-03
Diagnosis and Analysis of a 110 kV Transformer Fault
Caused by Short Circuit Impulse
YANG Hong-quan, QIU Wei, DU Wei, CHEN Jia, ZENG Yi-fan, YANG Guang, LI Jian, QIN Ming
(Chengdu Power Supply Company of State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Company, Chengdu 610000, China)
Abstract: The safe and stable operation of the transformer is a crucial part of the reliable power supply of the power grid. This paper diagnosed and analyzed an accident caused by a sudden short circuit in a 110 kV transformer. It determined that the transformer faults partial broken strand and short circuit to the ground of phase an at low voltage side. The diagnosis results were confirmed by returning to the factory for disassembly. This research provides a reference to the diagnosis of similar transformers after short-circuit impact.
Key words: transformer; diagnostic test; oil chromatographic analysis; DC resistance; insulation test
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