500 kV輸電線路OPGW光纜引下線電流異常原因分析
(國網(wǎng)浙江省電力有限公司電力科學研究院,浙江 杭州 310014)
摘 要 :輸電線路運行過程中,架空地線受空間電磁場影響產(chǎn)生感應電壓,在兩條地線之間、地線 和大地之間會形成感應電流。分析了一起 500 kV 輸電線路光纖復合架空地線(OPGW)光纜引下線電流異 常原因,收集了線路和站內(nèi)構架處的設計數(shù)據(jù),對現(xiàn)場 OPGW 在構架處的實際接地方式進行了檢查,仿真了不同工況下的 OPGW 感應電流幅值。結果表明,OPGW 構架頂端接地不暢是導致 OPGW 光纜引下線電流異常增大的重要原因,同時由于輸電線路本身存在負荷電流三相不平衡,且實際運行中加裝后備線夾, 普通地線接地方式發(fā)生改變,一定程度上增大了 OPGW 感應電流幅值,導致構架處電流增大。針對此類 問題,提出 OPGW 光纜構架接地設置專用接地端子及運行中降低線路三相負荷電流不平衡程度等建議。
關鍵詞 : 輸電線路 ;光纖復合架空地線 ;光纜引下線 ;感應電壓 ;感應電流
中圖分類號 :TM726 文獻標識碼 :B 文章編號 :1007-3175(2024)12-0063-05
Cause Analysis of Current Anomalies in OPGW Fiber Optic Drop
Cable Line of 500 kV Transmission Line
HE Jian, YANG Yong, LI Te, JIANG Kai-hua, YE Hao-liang
(State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Co., Ltd. Electric Power Research Institute, Hangzhou 310014, China)
Abstract: In the process of transmission line operation, the overhead ground wire is affected by the space electromagnetic field to generate induced voltage, among two ground lines, the induced current is formed between the ground wire and the earth. This article analyzes the cause of current in the anomalies optical fiber composite overhead ground wire(OPGW) fiber optic drop cable on a 500 kV transmission line,collects design data at the line and station structure, checks actual grounding mode of OPGW at the structure on site, and simulates the amplitude of OPGW induced current under different working conditions. The analysis results indicate that the poor grounding at the top of the OPGW framework is an important reason for the abnormal increase in the current of the OPGW fiber optic drop cable. At the same time, due to the three-phase imbalance of the load current in the transmission line, and the installation of backup line clamps in actual operation, the grounding mode of the ordinary ground wire has changed, which to some extent increases the amplitude of the OPGW induced current, leads to an increase in the current at the framework. Therefore, setting special grounding terminal for OPGW cable frame grounding and reducing the unbalance of three-phase load current of line during operation are put forward to address such problems.
Key words: transmission lines; optical fiber composite overhead ground wire; optical cable downlead; induced voltage; induced current
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