Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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來源:電工電氣發(fā)布時間:2016-03-25 08:25 瀏覽次數(shù):735


華東理工大學 機械與動力工程學院,上海 200237 

摘 要: 介紹了目前工業(yè)變頻電氣傳動系統(tǒng)下電機制動過程中常用的工業(yè)變頻能量回饋技術,包括通用變頻器能量回饋PWM 技術、公共直流母線技術、超級電容技術以及雙脈寬調(diào)制PWM 變頻器能量回饋技術,對各種技術的原理、節(jié)能效果、應用情況進行了說明和比較。結果表明變頻器能量回饋技術能有效節(jié)能,在工業(yè)變頻電氣傳動系統(tǒng)中應用廣泛,是變頻調(diào)速發(fā)展的新趨勢。
關鍵詞: 變頻器;能量回饋;交流異步電機
中圖分類號:TM344.6 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2013)09-0007-06

Energy Feedback Technologies Progress of Industrial Frequency Conversion 

ZHOU Kan-heng, WU Qing, XIA Chun-ming 
Mechanical and Power Engineering Institute, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China 

Abstract: Introduction was made to industrial frequency conversion energy feedback technologies in common use in the process of motor braking under the system of industrial variable frequency electric drive at present. This paper discussed the principle, energysaving effect and applications of various energy feedback technologies, including universal PWM inverter energy feedback technology,common DC bus technology, super-capacitor technology and dual-PWM inverter energy feedback technology. The esult shows that the inverter energy feedback technology more widely applied in industrial variable frequency electric drive         systems is the new development trend of the variable frequency speed control.

Key words: frequency converter; energy feedback; AC asynchronous motor

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