Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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來源:電工電氣發(fā)布時間:2016-09-20 12:20 瀏覽次數(shù):10
(1 廣東電網(wǎng)公司惠州供電局,廣東 惠州 516001;
2 華南理工大學 電力學院,廣東 廣州 510640;3 廣州市奔流電力科技有限公司,廣東 廣州 510640)
    摘 要:提出一種中壓配網(wǎng)電壓偏差與波動的綜合評估方法,以電壓分布特性和標準差反映電壓的偏差和波動情況。即獲取評估時間段內(nèi)各監(jiān)測點的實時電壓監(jiān)測值,求取其標準差以評估電壓波動大小;設計電壓偏差區(qū)間函數(shù),根據(jù)實際應用需求和工程經(jīng)驗合理劃分電壓偏差區(qū)間并設置各區(qū)間權重得分;統(tǒng)計電壓監(jiān)測值位于各電壓偏差區(qū)間的概率,用各電壓偏差區(qū)間的概率與其權重得分的加權求和表征電壓偏差的分布情況;并采用序關系分析法和熵值法相結(jié)合的主客觀賦權法計算電壓偏差和電壓波動的綜合權重,對中壓配網(wǎng)各監(jiān)測點的電壓偏差和波動進行綜合評估;實際例證驗證了該方法良好的工程應用價值。
    中圖分類號:TM744   文獻標識碼:A   文章編號:1007-3175(2016)09-0038-05
Comprehensive Voltage Deviation and Fluctuation Assessment Method andIts Application in Medium
Voltage Distribution Network
YAN Li-ping1, MA Shao-hua2, GAO Man-man2, CHEN Zhuo-feng3
(1 Huizhou Power Supply Bureau, Guangdong Power Grid, Huizhou 516001, China;
2 School of Electric Power, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China;
3 Guangzhou Benliu Power Electric Technology Co., Ltd, Guangzhou 510640, China)
    Abstract: This paper proposed a comprehensive assessment method of a kind of voltage deviation and fluctuation for medium voltage distribution network, based on the voltage distribution characteristic and the standard deviation to reflect voltage deviation and fluctuation. It meant that the measured value of voltages at each monitoring point could be collected in the evaluation period in real time and the standard deviation was calculated to evaluate the voltage fluctuation. The voltage deviation interval function was designed, in which voltage deviation interval will be divided reasonably and the weight score will be set according to the actual application requirement and engineering experience. This paper carried out statistics for the probability of voltage monitoring value at each voltage deviation interval. Distribution of voltage deviation was characterized as weighted sum of probability of voltage monitoring value at each voltage deviation interval. The synthesized weights of voltage deviation and fluctuation were determined via the sequence-relation analysis and entropy method, which were applied to comprehensive assessments of voltage deviation and fluctuation for medium voltage distribution network. The practical example illustration verifies the good engineering application value of this method.
    Key words: medium voltage distribution network; voltage deviation; voltage fluctuation; comprehensive evaluation
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